Monday, April 5, 2010

Natural Beauty

Austin is known for being an active and outdoorsy kind of community. It is hard to escape the energy of Town Lake, as it cuts right through the middle of Austin. It is a misnomer, but Town Lake is actually different parts of the Colorado River.  It may be a trick to distinguish locals from the out-of-towners, but Austinites have named the Colorado River many names by breaking up the river with dams, creating the Highland Lakes.  Lake Austin, Town Lake, and Lady Bird Lake are all different Lakes within Austin city limits. No matter where you are at in Austin the Lake is absolutely amazing!  
Town Lake has to be one of my most favorite places in Austin. If not mine, it is definitely the number one thing my dog Lucy loves about Austin. We can run, walk, jog, or bike along the trail any day of the week. On a hot summer day I can sit in the shade while Lucy plays with other dogs in the park or cools off in the water for a swim. I actually taught a young timid Lucy to swim by jumping into Town Lake myself and now she clears half the lake in hopes of catching a duck. Between the swans and squirrels this place is doggy heaven. 

I believe that the convenience and beauty of Town Lake has contributed greatly to my effort to stay in shape. It is hard to convince myself to NOT go running when I have beautiful scenery to admire and inspire along the way. In particular I love the East side loop, between Pleasant Valley and I-35. It is not only close to home but it is also a little less crowded with more spots to jump in and for Lucy to be leash free. 

Sometimes I leave Lucy at home and other great memories are formed on Town Lake. Everything from kayaking to party boating, with an awkward first (and last) date on a speed boat in between, have all transpired on Town Lake. In fact, the sunset picture at the top was taken when I first moved here and I think I have been in love ever since. 

(all photos taken with my iphone... imagine what real pictures look like!)

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