Tuesday, April 13, 2010


In general I don't "believe" in rallies, marches, or picketing. I figure, what's the point? It's pretty hard to change the way people feel about their politics. However, I learned, politics is not always the cause and sometimes it is simply to raise awareness and support. Through the encouragement and persistence of my friend Jessica to join her in expressing her passion, I decided to do something different and march in the Men Rally For Change

On a beautiful Saturday morning, motivational leaders and groups spoke out against domestic, sexual, and physical violence while promoting healthy relationships and safe communities down at the Mexican American Cultural Center on Town Lake. Organizations involved included the Hip Hop group PUBLIC OFFENDERS, Soul Raiders Reagan High School Marching Band, the teen group No Kidding, and Safe Place domestic violence center.  To explain, PUBLIC OFFENDERS is a  quartet that includes a young woman and three men who rap out against domestic violence. No Kidding is a nonprofit organization that sends actual teen parents out to schools to share their experience of being a young parent with their peers.  And while it may seem that a Marching Band speaks for itself, this white girl from the suburbs has never seen a marching band with as much rhythm and personality as the Soul Raiders.  All of these organizations are new to me, but have inspired an new confidence and admiration for the minority and disadvantaged youth in the Austin community.

The Hip Hop Group PUBLIC OFFENDERS gave a passionate performance, showing there is more to rap about than sex, drugs and violence. The Soul Raiders Reagan High School Marching Band led the group in a march through East Austin; literally "waking up the neighbors" to the cause.  Popular songs from the likes of Beyonce and Kanye were played with intermittent choreographed hip hop dance breaking up the march for entertainment. People came out of their houses, watched from their store fronts, and joined in the cause as the parade of people and music passed.

I have few words, no music, pictures or video to post to give this event any justice. Now I understand and have been swayed by my experience of attending a "march for change" in person. As it turns out, simply writing or talking about change doesn't inspire the way real action from real people can. Although I never doubted it, I can attest that inspiration, hope, and talent are alive and well in Austin, TX.

Men Rally for Change

P.U.B.L.I.C. O.F.F.E.N.D.E.R.S

Soul Raiders Reagan High School Marching Band

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