Friday, July 16, 2010

Barton History Lesson Springs

In case you didn't already know, at one point in my life I majored in History. Today, when looking for a few fun facts about Barton Springs I was overwhelmed/kinda excited about the rich history related to Barton Springs. No lie, the thought crossed my mind to do a fun research project on Barton Springs. Go me a nerd. Don't worry, I will keep the facts to a minimum so no one gets bored!

According to just about any source Barton Springs is the crown jewel, must see, number one natural tourist attraction in all of Austin. If you don't believe me just check in with the Olmec people who roamed in 5,500 B.C., Indian tribes who took a dip along the Comanche Trail, the famed conquistador Cabeza de Vaca, Franciscan Friars on their way to San Antonio, or Uncle Billy Barton. While all of these people endured the Texas heat and relished in the wonders of Barton Springs they are all now, in fact, deceased. With that said, I would just take my word for it. Barton Springs is awesome.

Barton Springs is a series of springs enclosed by man made walls spanning nearly 3 acres to create the largest natural swimming pool in an urban area. The fresh water is constantly fed by fissures in the limestone floor of a rate 26 million gallons a day! Unlike your typical neighborhood pool the water in Barton Springs will always remain a cool 68 degrees since it is constantly flowing from underground. After catching some sun on the grassy knoll it is always a test of courage to take the plunge into the icy cool water. Besides having your heart stop due to shock you will be surprised to find the pool floor is muddy, rocky, and full of algae and plant life. For the truly daring there are diving boards.

On any given day at Barton Springs you will have exceptional people watching opportunities. Austin's finest from the topless to the full body tattoos are on display. Some musically inclined will bring their bongos or guitar and then, out of nowhere, girls in hula hoops appear. Often you hear the barking dogs on the outside of Barton Springs on the "free side" where there is no regulation and distinct smells of the grassy nature. It's ironic how inside the gates lifeguards are strict on the rules of no food or drinks, however just on the other side of the fence illegal activity is politely asked to be put away by the police that occasionally patrol.

Free side or not, it is only $3 dollars and you know it goes to pay the lifeguards and keep the pool natural and beautiful. There has been a charge on the pool since the 1800's when Uncle Billy Barton owned the land. Barton later donated the land to the city of Waterloo - when it became the new Texas Capitol in 1839 (it all comes together now... Waterloo records, Icehouse etc... Austin's namesake before it was Austin).

The only recorded person who ever disliked Barton Springs was none other than Sam Houston, bitter about Austin (errr Waterloo) becoming the capital city of Texas and fearing Indians he stated; loosely, he wouldn't risk his scalp to the @%&* hole called Austin. While good old Sammy may have had some valid points I would be willing to take that risk to call Barton Springs my home! I love love love the amazingness of Barton Springs and maybe one day I can bore you with the full length history lesson!

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