Monday, July 19, 2010

Love IN Austin!

Besides things I love about Austin, I love that Harlan and Casi are IN Austin so that can be a part of their lives. More specifically I love that I was a part of their recent engagement story. Had you asked me 10 years ago if I was going to be a part of my brother Harlan's proposal or even liked him enough to be around long enough to get to know his girlfriend I would have laughed out loud. Growing up, Harlan and I fought like cats and dogs and got in arguments just so we might get the other person in trouble. Now, we talk daily and I can't remember if we've fought since High School. 

A series of events led Harlan to make the decision to propose to his girlfriend, Casi, this weekend. I guess that's how it normally works out, but Harlan's original plan was foiled due to an unexpectedly discovered email to Casi's mother. While worse things have happened (cause she essentially said yes when she realized what she had stumbled upon), Harlan was incredibly disappointed. I quickly worked to make Harlan feel better about the situation and develop a new and even better scheme. 

Fortunately, there are a lot of wonderful places in Austin to propose, however, it isn't so easy to get a suspecting girlfriend to said places on short notice. Harlan created a convincing email that we sent through my friend Emily's cousin who works in a reasonable position at the Capitol with a logical involvement in "Austin Young Chamber of Commerce", that invited us lovely ladies to Zilker Botanical Gardens on a Saturday evening happy hour. 

Casi recently agreed to be my wing woman as needed so I was able to easily convince her this would be a good opportunity for her to excel in her new position if she were to join me. Harlan and I worked out the exact details as Casi readily agreed to join me at this free happy hour. Not allowing much time for error, I helped Casi get ready. I rushed her along and ensured her wine glass was never empty. Casi was none the wiser to my tricks and went right along with our plan. 

We walked along our path... I urged Casi forward and stopped walking as Harlan came out from nowhere. Their special moment was out of ear shot but it seems the point got across and Harlan snagged himself a fiancĂ© by the end of the conversation. Casi's family and best friend were hidden out of the way and came and joined the couple after the question was... well implied... Harlan forgot to say the words, will you marry me? Good thing she helped him along and asked, "was there something you wanted to ask me?" 

After the pictures were taken, we all went for a wonderful dinner at Parkside, of course. Harlan was able to impress his future in-laws with a superb meal and excellent service. Celebrations lasted well into the night and the happy couple never went without a smile. 

I am thrilled that I have a new future family member and that I was able to be a part of the momentous occasion! I love that family lives in Austin and we were able to pull of a wonderful night. 

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